Friday, April 26, 2013

Sponsorship training by Indian government for developing country

Totally Free Training Program -E.g-Flight Ticket,Lodging,Fo0ding,+ 25000 INR Per Month

Applicants are required to submit the prescribed ITEC/SCAAP Form to the
nodal/designated Government Department/Agency of candidate's country
Nodal/designated Department/Agency is, in turn, required to forward the
applications to the Embassy/High Commission of India, accredited/
concurrently accredited to the nominating country.
Candidates are required to fill in the Application Form carefully and not leave
any column incomplete/blank or furnish incorrect information. Undertaking by
candidate and certification from employer (Part-II of Application Form),
are mandatory.

Who can apply
Officials from IT Departments of all Ministries, Govt. Departments, Banks,
Telecom Companies, Universities, NGOs, Colleges, ICT oragnisations, etc.,
Graduates / Engineers / Diploma holders in electronics / electrical /
communications / telecom or equivalent with prior telecom knowledge
Pre-requisites from the Candidates
Working knowledge of English required to follow the Course.
Age between 25 to 45 years.
Medically fit to undertake the training.
General Information
Upon selection, the Embassy/High Commission of India will inform the nodal
/designated Department/Agency of the nominating country and the candidate.
Selected candidates are required to familiarize themselves fully with the living
conditions in India and about the Institute through the Institute's website.
Decision regarding acceptance of applications/nominations rests solely with
the Ministry of External Affairs, Government of India.
For any further information / clarification, applicants are requested to contact
the Embassy / High Commission of India in their country.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

GSM & CDMA Questions

Objective Type Questions
All Questions carry 1 mark
1.      _______ is an analog cellular phone system using FDMA.
a.      AMPS
b.      D-AMPS
c.       GSM
d.      None of the above
2.      ________ is a second-generation cellular phone system based on CDMA and DSSS.
a.      GSM
b.      D-AMPS
c.       IS-95
d.      WCDMA
3.      If you have 5 MHz frequency band what will be the maximum number of channels as per GSM system?
a.      25
b.      35
c.       20
d.      24
4.      Which channel is used to transmit random access signals?
a.      BCCH
b.      CCCH
c.       SDCCH
d.      TCH
5.      The Value Range of Timing Advance (TA) in GSM is?
a.      0-31
b.      0-128
c.       0-61
d.      0-63

6.      In GSM carrier separation is 200KHz whereas in CDMA it is 5MHz (True/False)
7.      When MS is in dedicated mode, the information for non urgent procedure like radio link supervision measurement, transmit power control and timing advance data, is carried on
a.      SDCCH
b.      FACCH
c.       TCH
d.      SACCH
8.      Ciphering key Kc is never transmitted over radio interface. True/ False
9.      Larger cells are more useful in
a.      Densely populated urban areas
b.      Rural areas
c.       Lightly populated urban areas
d.      Mountainous areas.
10.  In up-link direction ARFCN (Absolute Radio Frequency Carrier Number) of 100 corresponds to frequency of (where 1 = ARFCN = 124)
a.      909.8 MHz
b.      910 MHz
c.       910.2 MHz
d.      910.5 MHz
11.  Cells in one Location Area can be served by different VLR s. True/False
12.  For intra-BSC normal Hand-over (not forced Hand-over) unit responsible for taking a decision that Hand-over is required
a.    BSC
b.    MSC
c.    VLR
d.    HLR
13.  In case inter-MSC Handover, MSC to MSC communication makes use of
a.      MAP-D Interface
b.      MAP-E Interface
c.       MAP-C Interface
d.      A-bis
14.  The maximum data rate supported by GSM system is
a.      4800bps
b.      2100bps
c.       6900bps
d.      7000bps

15.  In GSM the signaling protocol supported BTS and BSC is
a.      LAPD
b.      LAPDm
c.       SS7
d.      MAP
16.  Location Area is an area covered by ______.
a.     BTS
b.    BSC
c.     MSC/VLR
d.    None of the above
17.  Which Modulation Scheme is used in GSM and GPRS
a.      PSK
b.      GMSK
c.       ASK
d.      FSK
18.  What is the output power of BTS
a.      33DBm
b.      43DBm
c.       53DBm
d.      63DBm
19.  In CDMA, the pseudo-random code must have the following property
a.      It must be deterministic
b.      It must appear random to a listener without prior knowledge of the code
c.       The code must have a long period
d.      All of the above
20.  In IS-95, two types of Maximum-Length PN Sequences or PN Codes are used: The Short PN Code and the Long PN Code. What is the maximum length of the Short PN Sequence when the PN Code is generated with a 15-stage Linear Shift Register?
a.      16,384 chips
b.      32,768 chips
c.       1,228,800 chips
d.      None of the above

Tuesday, April 23, 2013


3GPP LTE technologies
LTE has introduced a number of new technologies when compared to the previous cellular systems. They enable LTE to be able to operate more efficiently with respect to the use of spectrum, and also to provide the much higher data rates that are being required.
OFDM (Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplex):   OFDM technology has been incorporated into LTE because it enables high data bandwidths to be transmitted efficiently while still providing a high degree of resilience to reflections and interference. The access schemes differ between the uplink and downlink: OFDMA (Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiple Access is used in the downlink; while SC-FDMA(Single Carrier - Frequency Division Multiple Access) is used in the uplink. SC-FDMA is used in view of the fact that its peak to average power ratio is small and the more constant power enables high RF power amplifier efficiency in the mobile handsets - an important factor for battery power equipment. 
MIMO (Multiple Input Multiple Output):   One of the main problems that previous telecommunications systems has encountered is that of multiple signals arising from the many reflections that are encountered. By using MIMO, these additional signal paths can be used to advantage and are able to be used to increase the throughput.

When using MIMO, it is necessary to use multiple antennas to enable the different paths to be distinguished. Accordingly schemes using 2 x 2, 4 x 2, or 4 x 4 antenna matrices can be used. While it is relatively easy to add further antennas to a base station, the same is not true of mobile handsets, where the dimensions of the user equipment limit the number of antennas which should be place at least a half wavelength apart.
Architecture Evolution:   With the very high data rate and low latency requirements for 3G LTE, it is necessary to evolve the system architecture to enable the improved performance to be achieved. One change is that a number of the functions previously handled by the core network have been transferred out to the periphery. Essentially this provides a much "flatter" form of network architecture. In this way latency times can be reduced and data can be routed more directly to its destination.
LTE specification overview
It is worth summarizing the key parameters of the 3G LTE specification. In view of the fact that there are a number of differences between the operation of the uplink and downlink, these naturally differ in the performance they can offer.

Source: From Google


3G LTE evolution
Although there are major step changes between LTE and its 3G predecessors, it is nevertheless looked upon as an evolution of the UMTS / 3GPP 3G standards. Although it uses a different form of radio interface, using OFDMA / SC-FDMA instead of CDMA, there are many similarities with the earlier forms of 3G architecture and there is scope for much re-use.
LTE can be seen for provide a further evolution of functionality, increased speeds and general improved performance.

Source: From Google

Max downlink speed
384 k
14 M
28 M
Max uplink speed
128 k
5.7 M
11 M
50 M
round trip time
150 ms
100 ms
50ms (max)
~10 ms
3GPP releases
Rel 99/4
Rel 5 / 6
Rel 7
Rel 8
Approx years of initial roll out
2003 / 4
2005 / 6 HSDPA
2007 / 8 HSUPA
2008 / 9
2009 / 10
Access methodology

Monday, April 22, 2013


Ø  In general, it is very necessary to read input value from keyword and to display output value on monitor. It can be achieved using I\ O statement in “C” language.
Ø  < stdio.h > Standard Input Output Header File : - It contain all functions related to input /  
                 Output operations.
Ø   Note:  In any computer language the name of function is always followed by open and close
     Parenthesis‘( )’.                               
printf( ):- It is a formatted function of < stdio.h > header file which is used to print some                 Message or valves on monitor.
printf(“hello”);àwhich is used to display any user define message on consol screen.
Ex: 1) - printf (“Hello India”);
              O/P: - Hello India
 printf(“format specifiers” ,argument list);àwhich is used to display output values on consol screen.
Ex 2) - int X=5;
              char Y=’A’;
              float Ch=10.5;
              printf ( “%d  %f   %c” , X , Y , Ch );
              O/P        5   10.5   A
Ex 3) - printf (“Average = %f” , avg );
            O/P:    Average = 27. 8
scanf( ) :- It is a formatted function of <stdio.h> header file, which is used to scan or enter                  Some values from keyboard on moniter.

Ø  It performs two operations.
1)      Read data or accepting data from the input device keyword.
2)      Store the data in appropriate memory location.
scanf(“format specifiers”, & argument list);
          int     X;
          char  Ch;
          float  Y;
          scanf ( “%d%f%c” , &X , &Y,&Ch);
Format specifier: - These are the special elements in “C” language used to identify type of data from keyword.
Ø  Format specifiers should be enclosed between double quotes.
Ø  Each “format specifier” starts with the character (%).
Ø  The argument list contains a list of variables.

Formatted specifiers /characters in “C”
          Data type                     Specifiers
               int                              %d, %i
              Char                             %c
              Float                            %f
              String                         %s
              Unsigned int               %u
              Long int                       %ld
              Double                        %lf
              Long double                %Lf
              Octal number               %O
              Hexadecimal (lower case latter)                %x
              Hexadecimal (upper case latter)                %X

Ø  ASCII characters are unprintable, these characters perform special functions such as a new line, back spacing etc.
Ø  The combination of backslash and these characters are called escape sequences.
Character Constant
New line (Line break)
Horizontal Tab
Form feed
Alert (alerts a bell)
Carriage Return
Vertical Tab
Question Mark
Single Quote
Double Quote

Basic concept for executing programs:
  • SAVE with  .c extension (in user directory)
  • COMPILE = F9
  • RUN = Ctrl+F9
  • O/P = Alt+F5 ( to shift control to output window )  

Execution of C Program:
C program executes in following 4 (four steps).

1)      Install:- install “C” software Turbo TC1,TC2
2)      Creating a program & saved: - create “C” program and saved as “file_name.c”, an extension.
Ø  File name can be any user define name.
3)      Compiling the program: The next step is to compile the program. The code is compiled by using compiler. Compiler converts executable code to binary code i.e. object code.
4)      Linking a program to library: The object code of a program is linked with libraries that are needed for execution of a program. The linker is used to link the program with libraries. It creates a file with '*.exe' extension.
5)      Execution of program: The final executable file is then run by dos command prompt or by any other software.

Compiler: -
Ø  Compiler is a special program used to convert source code (source file) into object code.
Ø  Compiler generates object code and stored it on secondary memory (hard disk).
Ø  Object code is collection of zeros (0) and ones (1).
Ø  Linker is a special program used to convert assembly language instruction into machine level language instruction.
Ø  These instructions will be executed by processor with the help of operating system and gives the output\ result.

Small program of “C”:-    #include<stdio.h>
                                      void main()

Source: From Google